We want all kids to be happy, healthy, and successful.
Safe Talk For Teens’ mission is to motivate, redirect assist and guide youth to make better decisions by focusing on their coping skills, values, and goal setting. Our youth-advising services are free and confidential.
Safe Talk For Teens helps:
- Youth age 8 to 19
- Parents and families
- School counselors and teachers
- Our community
How you can help
Your donation goes toward youth-advising services that can change the course of a kid’s life. The effects of Safe Talk For Teens are felt within families, schools and our community. Please consider a donation, no matter what size, to help our mission. You can donate online by clicking the button below, or over the phone at 775-823-2700. You can also mail a donation to 6490 S. McCarran Blvd. Bldg. D1, #36, Reno, NV 89509.
Our organization is a registered Nevada Nonprofit 501(c)3, EIN # 46-2427571, and all donations are tax deductible according to state law.
Your dollars in action
In 2018, we served 182 new kids. We spent 926 hours advising youth, and had 302 referrals from school staff and by word of mouth.
With a $600 donation, we are able to serve 2 individuals with 8 sessions.
Leave a legacy
Leaving a legacy is the selfless act of contributing to a cause in a way that makes an impact today, tomorrow and for years to come. You can ensure the future of Safe Talk For Teens by making a gift in your will that will grow throughout the years. There are many ways to leave your gift, including:
Invest in the future with a bequest. A bequest can set aside a specific gift or percentage of the balance remaining in your estate after other obligations are met. Your estate planning attorney can advise you. Sample bequest language includes: “I give, devise, and bequeath to Safe Talk For Teens, 6490 S McCarran Blvd, Reno, NV 89511, the sum of $_______ (or percentage of your estate), for the benefit of Safe Talk For Teens and its general purposes.”
- Designate Safe Talk For Teens as a beneficiary on your Individual Retirement Plan, 401K plan, insurance policy, or pension. This can be as easy as completing a change of beneficiary form. Contact your attorney or financial advisor for details.
- Donate stocks that have appreciated in value since their purchase. Safe Talk For Teens can receive immediate value from your gift while you benefit from a tax break. Check with your financial advisor or broker for details.
For questions about leaving a legacy gift, please contact Joe Dufur at joe@safetalkforteens.org
Thank you to our donors and sponsors
We appreciate your support and commitment.
- GratisGives
- Lahontan Community Foundation/Parasol Tahoe Community Foundation
- LP Insurance Service Inc.
- Renown Health
- Hot August Nights Foundation